
The global leader in accelerating careers and propelling business growth
across IT, HR and Finance, Engineering and Life sciences

About Experis

Experis Belux is a fast-growing company, putting over 400 people at work in the leading companies of the specialties we serve. It is no coincidence that Experis has been nominated two consecutive years in a row to be a “Trends Gazelle” at the “Large companies” in Brussels.


Jobs in IT

You’re in demand. Our recruiters respect your experience and want to connect you to the challenging, high-profile IT projects you’re meant to do.


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Jobs in finance & HR

We want to connect you with that next great career opportunity that positions you for success. Our wide network and breadth of experience in finance allows us to do exactly that.

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Jobs in
& Life Sciences

You learn how to create new things every day. Grow your career with Experis by accessing local niche companies or global industry leaders.

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